How To Make Ice Cream With A Blender (Step-by-step Instructions)

Most of you think you need ice cream to make ice cream, but you do not know without ice cream you can make ice cream with a blender, milk, and a few other ingredients.

We know everyone likes to have ice cream, and if it becomes easy to make at home then you will be much happy because your favorite item is in your hand. How To Make Ice Cream With A Blender. Check out How To Make Ice Cream With A Blender.

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How To Make Ice Cream With A Blender

You can easily prepare vanilla or chocolate flavor ice cream with a blender at your home. Do not worry! We will let you know how to make ice cream with a blender

How To Make Ice Cream With A Blender

Preparing Vanilla Ice Cream


  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 2 cups of ice cubes 
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Nonfat dry milk powder (if necessary)

Use Crushed Ice

First, place 2 cups of crushed ice into your blender and remember that they are breaking down than cubed ice. The perfect crushed ice will give you a creamier consistency. If you do not have crushed ice, use a food processor to crush the ice.

Add Sugar And Vanilla Extract

Before applying the sugar and vanilla extract, you need to measure them perfectly. Take 4 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. If you do not have a measuring spoon, you can use other ingredients to measure them. You can measure them with your index figure because one teaspoon is about the size of the tip of your index finger. To get a beautiful golden color, and rich taste, you can use a tiny pinch of turmeric powder. 

Pour Milk

Pour ¼ cup of milk into the blender and to get a creamier taste and thicker consistency, you can use 2% or whole milk and for a much lighter taste use 1%. If you want, you can add almond, soy, cashew, oat, or full-fat coconut milk. Heavy cream gives thicker consistency. 

Blend The Mixture

After pouring all the ingredients, blend them until it’s smooth. To blend the mixture, cover the bender with a lid, and then blend them until you get the perfect consistency of a milkshake.  Check after a while, if you see large clumps of ice, keep blending until you get a perfect smoothie. How long you need to blend, it depends on the power of your blender so you need to check the mixture every 30 to 50 seconds. If the mixture gets thin, add nonfat dry milk powder to get a thicker consistency.

Place Them Into A Container

Choose a container where you can transfer all the mixture into a freezer. When you are choosing a container, it will be better if you take a plastic container because a plastic container is much better than a ceramic or glass container.

Freezing The Container

Place the container into the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. If you like super soft ice cream, then you need to take it out from the freezer at the 2-hour mark. Then check the ice cream with a spoonful from the center of the container. If the ice cream is too soft, then put it back, and if it is hard, take it out and keep it at room temperature for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Serve The Ice Cream And Add Toppings

After finishing all the tasks, you can serve the ice cream in a bowl and add your favorite toppings. 

Preparing Chocolate Ice Cream


  • ½ cup of whole milk
  • ½ cup of nonfat dry milk powder
  • ½ cup of heavy cream
  • 2/3 cup of granulated sugar
  • ½ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of ice

Take Whole Milk, Milk Powder, And Heavy Cream

At the very first, choose a blender that can take all the elements. Place the whole milk, milk powder, and heavy cream into the blender.

Add Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Vanilla, And Ice

Measure all the elements as you need and place them into a blender. Make sure that you measure the elements with the measuring spoon or cup.

Blend The Ingredients

After placing all the ingredients, blend them until you get perfect finishing. Check the blending after a while and if they are not blending perfectly, keep blending. Blend the mixture, until thick and creamy like the consistency of a thick milkshake.

Transform The Ice Cream Into A Freezer

After finishing the blending process, place the ice cream into a container and then transform it into a freezer for 1 hour. After an hour check it and serve it in a bowl.


It is a very easy process to make ice cream at home if you follow the above process of how to make ice cream with a blender. By following all the processes, you can prepare tasty ice cream for you and your family.

Carolina Arey

A passionate writer and chicken fry lover... :D